Aeppol's Coloring Book of the Four Seasons

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Korean Book [ Aeppol's Coloring Book of the Four Seasons ]


Release Date : 2023-11-29
Page & Size : 136p | 7.4 x 9.8 in

Author(s) : Aeppol(Ju Sojin)
Publisher : Geurim Soop

■ Details

Korean Title : 애뽈의 사계절 컬러링북
English Title : Aeppol's Coloring Book of the Four Seasons

This book is written in Korean.

■ Details

The long-awaited new coloring book by the beloved artist, who has maintained a bestseller position in the art field for years, has finally been released after three years. With 250,000 followers on Instagram, the artist, known as Aeppol, began serializing "Forest Girl Diary" on Graphollio, faithfully drawing for nine years without a single break. The story of the forest girl living with animal friends in the deep forest has touched the hearts of fans worldwide, leading to exports of rights to countries such as the United States, Russia, China, Japan, and Indonesia. Particularly in Japan, a total of five essays and coloring books were published, receiving much love, and the artist recently held a solo exhibition in Tokyo.

The newly released book, "Aeppol's Coloring Book of the Four Seasons: Picture Walk with the Forest Girl," encapsulates the know-how that allowed Aeppol's coloring book series to become bestsellers. In addition to beautiful new designs, the book includes over a hundred character and seasonal cutouts for practicing before diving into full coloring. There are also three special appendixes, including a cute "Forest Concert" chapter where forest animal friends play various instruments, coloring stickers with bold lines for framing, and a poster featuring two drawings by Aeppol.

Ensuring a solid foundation, the coloring book includes features appreciated by fans throughout years of communication. These features include thin, low-transparency paper on the back, dotted lines indicating where to cut out a page for coloring or framing, and various difficulty levels of designs. The distinct black-brown pencil lines, blending seamlessly with any coloring tool, are a signature of the Aetbyeol coloring book series. The drawings are scanned from the artist's actual pencil work, providing high-quality pieces with great collectible value.

As the year-end approaches, take a moment to turn away from the bustling routine and immerse yourself in the pure joy of coloring. By filling in the changing colors of the forest with each season, you may discover the landscapes of your own heart.

■ Table of Contents

프롤로그 | 등장인물 소개 | 등장인물 연습하기

PART 1 기다렸던 봄 Awaited Spring
소품 연습하기 * 봄 | 기다렸던 봄 | 꽃 담은 차 한 잔 | 너에게 전하고 싶은 작은 꽃다발 | 봄의 길목에서 | 비눗방울 | 온종일 우울 | 지칠 땐 언제든 | 붉은 열매 | 엉클어진 생각들 | 멀리 날려 보내요 | 푸른 가운데 잠잠히 | 일기장

PART 2 시원한 바다를 상상해요 Imagine the Blue Sea
소품 연습하기 * 여름 | 바다를 상상해요 | 편한 자세 | 꽃 한 송이 |
너의 둥근 바다 | 내일의 옷 | 나의 작은 여름 정원 | 버섯 우산 | 바람에 흘려보내요 | 느긋한 오후 | 느린 하루 | 날아간 그곳에서 행복을 만날 수 있길 | 어디서 불어오는 바람인가요

PART 3 행복이 익어가는 계절 Happiness Ripening Season
소품 연습하기 * 가을 | 둥글게 엮은 가을 | 낙엽 비 | 오후의 쉼 | 숲의 모빌 | 말린 꽃 | 새들은 어디로 갈까 | 낙엽 연주 | 익어가는 계절 | 나를 만드는 시간 | 텅 빈 마음 | 행복한 기분을 만드는 방법 | 떠오르는 기분 | 커튼을 바꿔볼까요

PART 4 겨울이 그린 그림 Picture Painted by Winter
소품 연습하기 * 겨울 | 마음의 겨울 | 이불 코트 | 혼자만의 시간 | 흐린 뒤 맑음 | 오늘 하루 | 크리스마스를 기다려요 | 한겨울의 산책 | 그래도, 크리스마스 | 한낮의 꿈 | 네가 있어 다행이야 | 별똥별 내리는 숲 | 새해, 새 계획

부록 * 숲속 연주회 | 프리미엄 컬러 포스터 | 숲소녀 컬러링 스티커