Ghibli Music Score Ghibli Jazz : Original Ver. (Spring)
■ Release Date: 2022.08.23
■ Publisher: Samho ETM
■ Author: Jimin Dorothy (Arrangement)
■ Pages: 124
■ Details
Ghibli animation is loved by many people for its beautiful colors and unique worldview. Ghibli Jazz is a collection of jazz piano performances arranged by Ghibli Soundtrack into various genres of jazz, including swing, bossa nova, funk, and jazz ballads, and includes a medley of Ghibli music director Hisaishijo's masterpieces.
The sensuous arrangement of jazz pianist Jimin Dorothy makes Ghibli's melody stand out even more. The code was marked in detail to help with the performance, and QR code model performance videos were included in all songs.
This book is written in Korean.
■ Table of Contents
[바람계곡의 나우시카 風の谷のナウシカ, Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind, 1984]
바람계곡의 나우시카 (風の谷のナウシカ, Nausicaa of the Valley Of The Wind)
나우시카 레퀴엠(ナウシカ レクイエム, Nausicaa Requiem)
[천공의 성 라퓨타 天空の城ラピュタ, Laputa: Castle In The Sky, 1986]
너를 태우고 (君をのせて, Carrying You)
[이웃집 토토로 となりのトトロ, My Neighbor Totoro, 1988]
이웃집 토토로 (となりのトトロ, My Neighbor Totoro)
바람이 지나가는 길 (風のとおり道, The Wind Forest)
산책 (さんぽ, Stroll)
오월의 마을 (五月の村, The Village In May)
[마녀 배달부 키키 魔女の宅急便, Kiki’s Delivery Service, 1989]
따스함에 안겨진다면 (やさしさに包まれたなら, Wrapped In Gentleness)
맑은 날에 (晴れた日に, On A Clear Day)
바다가 보이는 마을 (海の見える街, A Town With An Ocean View)
[붉은 돼지 紅の豚, Crimson Pig, 1992]
때로는 옛 이야기를 (時には昔の話を, Once In A While, Let's Talk About The Old Days)
[귀를 기울이면 耳をすませば, Whisper Of The Heart, 1995]
컨트리 로드 (カントリーロード, Country Road)
[모노노케 히메 もののけ姫, Princess Mononoke, 1997]
아시타카의 전설 (アシタカセッ記, The Legend Of Ashitaka)
모노노케 히메 (もののけ姫, Princess Mononoke)
[센과 치히로의 행방불명 千と千尋の神隠し, Spirited Away, 2001]
또 다시 (ふたたび, Reprise)
어느 여름날 (あの夏へ, One Summer's Day)
언제나 몇 번이라도 (いつも何度でも, Always With Me)
[고양이의 보은 猫の恩返し, The Cat Returns, 2002]
바람이 되어 (風になる, Become The Wind)
[하울의 움직이는 성 ハウルの動く城, Howl’s Moving Castle, 2004]
인생의 회전목마 (人生のメリーゴーランド, Merry-Go-Round Of Life)
세계의 약속 (世界の約束, The Promise Of The World)
[벼랑 위의 포뇨 崖の上のポニョ, Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea, 2008]
벼랑위의 포뇨 (崖の上のポニョ, Ponyo On The Cliff By The Sea)
[코쿠리코 언덕에서 コクリコ坂から, From Up On Poppy Hill, 2011]
이별의 여름 (さよならの夏, Summer Of Farewell)
[Hisaishi Joe meets JiminDorothy]
Hisaishi Joe Medley (For You, HANA-BI, A Waltz Of Sleigh, Summer)