English Title Late Autumn Photo Book
Release Date 2024-10-31
Page & Size 344p | 8.7 x 5.9 in
ISBN 9791128834967
Author(s) Lee Man-hee, Communication Group for Our Movie, Ho Hyun-chan, Kim Ji-heon
Publisher Communication Books
The legendary film "Late Autumn" by director Im Man-hee, whose film reel was lost and has since become the stuff of legend, has now been restored in book form. "Late Autumn" served as the inspiration for the films "Late Autumn" by Kim Tae-yong and "The Promise of the Flesh" by Kim Ki-young. The book includes the film's screenplay based on the original script by screenwriter Kim Ji-heon, along with over 200 stills provided by producer Ho Hyun-chan, arranged in the actual sequence of the movie. This book offers a chance to experience Im Man-hee's ahead-of-its-time modernist aesthetic through a photographic collection.
필름이 유실되어 전설로 회자되는 이만희 감독의 <만추>를 책으로 복원했다. <만추>는 김태용 <만추>, 김기영 <육체의 약속>의 원작이다. 시나리오작가 김지헌의 시나리오에 기초한 영화 각본과 제작자 호현찬이 제공한 스틸컷 200여 점을 실제 영화 순서에 맞추어 편집했다. 시대를 앞서간 이만희의 모더니즘 미학을 사진집으로 만난다.
이만희 감독 필모그래피