Korean Language Book [ New Sogang Korean Student's Book 3A ]
■ Release Date : 2008-12-01
■ Page & Size : 174p | 8.3 x 10.8 in
■ Author(s) : Sogang University Korean Language Education Center
■ Publisher : Sogang University International Culture Education Institute
■ Details
Korean Title : New 서강 한국어 Students Book 3A
English Title : New Sogang Korean Workbook 3A
This book is written in Korean and English.
■ Description
The features of the new series of Sogang Korean include the addition of grammar learning materials, modernization of design with images, and photos to convey unit themes and learning objectives effectively. The curriculum is structured to match the teaching process, providing step-by-step presentations. Additionally, it includes an appendix called "Grammar Word Reference Book" for supplementary grammar support.
서강한국어 뉴시리즈 특징 문법 학습 자료 추가 그림과 사진, 디자인 현대화 이미지로 단원 주제와 학습 목표 전달 수업 구조에 맞춘 단계적 제시 별책 부록 '문법 단어 참고서' 제공
■ Table of Contents
2.학교 생활
4.초대와 방문
5.외모와 성격
8.공공 생활