Korean Essay [ The Beings That Were There ]
■ Release Date : 2024-01-18
■ Page & Size : 192p | 4.4 x 7.8 in
■ Author(s) : Wondo
■ Publisher : Semicolon
■ Details
Korean Title : 있었던 존재들
English Title : The Beings That Were There
This book is written in Korean.
■ Details
This is the first collection of columns compiled by the author Won Do, who refined and added new writings to the columns serialized in 'Hankyoreh' over the past two years. Won Do spent four years working in the Crime Scene Unit, dealing with on-site investigations and witnessing hundreds of deceased individuals. Reflecting on various cases such as suicide, homicide, and solitary deaths, he candidly recorded the reasons why these individuals had no choice but to choose death and the emotions he felt as a forensic investigator.
Recounting these cases was not an easy task, but the clear reason he mustered the courage to do so is evident. In a country where 34.8 people die by suicide every day, he believes that recognizing each person's final moments as sacred, remembering their last expressions like it's his own, and acknowledging the existence of a police officer who preserves these moments can be a source of comfort for someone. Additionally, he expresses the hope that marginalized deaths disappearing quietly without notice will decrease.
■ Table of Contents
프롤로그|사사로운 사전 4
고개는 넘을수록 슬픈 것이었다 14
단속하는 마음 26
공무도하가 38
부패엔 계절이 없다 50
어느 시절의 숙취 66
정말로 비상 76
묻고 살지요 88
18,710,459개의 사연 102
나는 한 명의 외로운 운전사 110
철 지난 인간의 무대 124
짬밥은 맛이 없다 136
홍대입구역 8 번 출구 146
만 원짜리 밤 154
부끄럽지만, 마지막 마음 164
에필로그|이상한 나라의 경찰관 178
추천의 글 184